What We Do

Sport 4 Development

Facilitating potential to its highest outcome will be the most important contribution we make toward building a ‘post-Corona’ world.

Be it potential flailing in the surreal COVID 19 wake, potential buried by unequal gender opportunity or potential obscured by disempowering economic and social drivers, the capacity to ‘build others’ to their fullest potential in these direst of contexts, will be critical going forward. This, along with the ability to create and implement interventions that promote positive outcomes in a sustainable and replicable way across social and economic, as well as technological divides will be key to creating a successful future.

Sport 4 Development’s (S4D) objective is to harness the potent game-changing cultural phenomenon of Sport – incredible as that sounds right now – as an instrument for development. In UNICEF’s ‘Getting into the Game Summary 2019’ Sport 4 Development is defined as the use of sport, or any form of physical activity, to provide both children and adults with the opportunity to achieve their full potential through initiatives that promote personal and social development.

Sport 4 Development allows one to interweave critical life and social developmental skills/lessons into sports or physical education sessions through intentional play and discussion. This will become a differentiating and indispensable tool in any coach, teacher and manager’s future arsenal!